No announcement regarding Tamil Nadu class 12th exams results

Due to the coronavirus crisis, the results of the board exams across the state and central boards have been postponed

Image of No announcement regarding Tamil Nadu class 12th exams results | Education News Photo

Fake reports circling the internet suggested that Tamil Nadu’s class 12th results will be declared today. All such reports are baseless said Directorate of Government Examinations in Tamil Nadu. He said that the official body has made no announcements regarding the matter.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, the results of the board exams across the state and central boards have been postponed. Several education boards were in the process of conducting the exam when PM Modi announced lockdown.

Boards who have completed the exams are unable to release the results because the evaluation process cannot be completed.

Some states have taken measures to evaluate the board exams. Haryana board distributed board exam answer sheets among evaluators and they have to complete the evaluation exercise by April 22.