New trending courses at IIT-Kharagpur

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Catering to the demand in the market, IIT Kharagpur has started conducting short courses on trending technologies under GIAN programme (which is under Union government).

In a statement issued by the institution, it said that Nanobiotechnology is a subject which is relatively new and its main aim is juxtaposition of nanoscience and biotechnologies. Basically, it's a science which brides prospective scientific disciplines. It requires more openness than any other science as it's new and feeds on inputs of physicists, chemists, biologists, materials scientists, medical practitioners, pharmacologists, and engineers from different milieus, ranging from the mechanical to the electrical to the biomedical.

The above course is of short duration where students are being familiarized with the basics and the prospects of a science that has many dimensions to it. There will also be discussions about the political and economic climate in which it thrives.

'Smartgrid Operation with Renewables' is another short duration course which has started recently. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable energy, electricity needs to be generated from renewable sources. There has been evidence found in many countries regarding renewable energy sources which are technically and economically feasible like solar and wind energy. These smart grids collect information and analyze it in every aspect of electricity generation. This helps in minimizing impact on environment, market enhancement, improving reliability and reducing costs. These technologies are easier to implement.

Not only students (BTech, MSc, MS, MTech and PhD students) but this course is available for executives, engineers and researchers from manufacturing, service and government organizations including R&D laboratories.

Another option is available for student's i.e.  Video-based scene understanding course, done through computer vision. It is a field that includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding images and, in general, high-dimensional data from the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information.

According to Professor Adrijit Goswami, the institutional coordinator for the GIAN programme at IIT-Kgp, students opting for these courses from IIT-Kgp will get two credits per course and outsiders who apply for these will get a grade certificate which their college may choose to accept to provide additional credit.