NCC quota to increase?

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Recently, due to increase in demand, the Karnataka and Goa directorate of National Cadet Corps (NCC) has sought increase in quota in professional colleges in the state.

According to the directorate, as more students want to pursue their professional courses in NCC, so they want the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA), which conducts CET, to consider the demand from the next academic year. The demand has gone up as candidates in NCC have gone up from 58000 to 78000. It's been observed that from last few years, NCC candidates were not able to get seats under medical and engineering courses as seats reserved for them in CET was not adequate. Currently, there are 15 lakh NCC cadets in the country.

The director of Karnataka and Goa NCC directorate, Col MG Venkatesh said that very few seats are reserved in veterinary science, dental and other courses as currently there are around 400 engineering and 10 medical seats are reserved. Therefore, KEA should increase the quota in engineering and medical courses. Karnataka is the only state to offer NCC quota in professional courses.

Now the question arises, who all are eligible for quota? Students who have participated in Republic Day parade in Delhi (with a B certificate) while studying class XI to first year of any undergraduate course. Who all can join NCC? Students aged 13 and above can join NCC.

As per, SN Gangadhariah, administrative officer, KEA, they conducted meeting with NCC officials and with government to increase the quota. NCC has been asked to submit its proposal to the government directly.