Minister, Tech. Education, UP and Vice Chancellor UP Tech. University Visits IILM, Greater Noida

Image of Minister, Tech. Education, UP and Vice Chancellor UP Tech. University Visits IILM, Greater Noida | Education News Photo

Date -06 August -2014

Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India 

IILM Graduate School of Management and IILM College of Engineering & Technology had the singular honour of a visit by the UP State Cabinet Minister for Technical Education Prof. Shivakant Ojha and the UPTU Vice Chancellor Prof R K Khandal, on Saturday 2nd August 2014

The diginatries were taken a round around the college "“ in campus hostel and the security arranegement available there and they appreciated the college.They also appreciated the students those were present and appreciated to becomes the part of the IILM. V.C.also tribute to IILM.He advised the students to makes the best use of the teachings offered by the IILM.They also teaches the students to make the best use of their time and energy with IILMand grown up the best citizens.

IILM Students recently were selected to represent India at the 20th Annual Great Moonbuggy Race organized by NASA held at Huntsville at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. Students presented the prototype "Human powered vehicle called "Moon-Baggi" under the title of "NASA rover challenge". 

Media Contact Details "“

Jennifer Aitkins, IILM Academy for Higher Learning

11) 40934304