The admit cards for the MAH MCA CET 2019 exam have been released by the Maharashtra State Entrance Test Cell. Candidates who have registered for the exam can visit the official website and download their respective admit cards. The exam is scheduled on March 23, 2019 and the last date to download the admit cards is the same. The cell is expected to release the results of the exam by April 15, 2019.
Steps to download the admit cards
- Visit the official website of the Maharashtra CET Cell --
- Click on the tab for MAH MCA CET 2019
- Click on the link which says ‘download admit cards’
- Enter your login credentials (Candidates will require their registration number)
- Click on the submit button
- Your admit card will appear on the screen
- Download the admit card and take the print out of the same
The Online CET exam will have two papers:
General Aptitude -- 100 marks
Computer Concepts -- 100 marks
The composite time for both the exams will be 90 minutes
Each paper will have 25 questions and each question will be of 4 marks. Candidates will be given a negative 1 mark for each wrong answer they mark. Scores will be normalized to account for the difficulty level across multiple sessions.