JEE application correction window opened

Earlier, the NTA had announced that application correction window will open from May 25.

Image of JEE application correction window opened | Education News Photo

JEE Main application correction window has opened and candidates are allowed to opt for different exam centers along with making desired correction in the application form.

Earlier, the NTA had announced that application correction window will open from May 25. Students were also allowed to submit fresh applications from May 19 to May 24.

The application correction facility was re-opened for the students to allow them to make changes in their exam center as transportation is difficult to find in COVID-19 lockdown. The exam is scheduled between July 18 and July 23 and admit cards will be released 15 days before the date of the exam.

JEE Main 2020 was to be held between April 5 and April. The dates were postponed as the Government of India announced a nationwide lockdown on March 24 to fight the spread of COVID-19.