In order to improve student's job skills AICTE enters into collaboration with Wheebox

Image of In order to improve student's job skills AICTE enters into collaboration with Wheebox | Education News Photo

"Under this initiative, AICTE's strategic association with Wheebox will enable candidates from technical and business schools to test their employability skills in a standardised way by using Wheebox Employability Skill Test,"said AICTE chairman Anil Sahasrabudhe.

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has tied up with global online skill assessment firm Wheebox to improve the job skills of students.

How it will benefit the students?

  • The engineering and MBA schools will be benefited through this, as they can take pre-emptive measures to improve  various employability skills of students, before they start applying for jobs, said AICTE in a release
  • Under this partnership, Wheebox will conduct employability skill test to give aspirants a view of their capabilities 
  • In addition, the candidates will also be assessed on their knowledge in respective field 

View of AICTE chairman:

"Under this initiative, AICTE's strategic association with Wheebox will enable candidates from technical and business schools to test their employability skills in a standardized way by using Wheebox Employability Skill Test," AICTE Chairman Anil Sahasrabudhe said.

View of founder of Wheebox:

Wheebox Founder and CEO Nirmal Singh said, "There is a significant skill gap in the country with above 60 per cent of students unemployable, highlighting the urgent need of revamping education."

"Our association with AICTE, will prepare students to identify their job readiness which would help the industry in talent matchmaking," Singh added.