For long now, the IITs and the IIMs have been criticized for not appointing foreign teachers to raise the global stature of the institute. After the recent changes in the methods for appointment of foreign faculties at these institutes, things may change.
The HRD ministry has told the centre that it is in favour of allowing work visa to the teachers who earning a minimum annual salary of $15,000. As per the present norm, a work visa is only given to those earning at least an annual salary of $25,000. This made it difficult for these institutes to hire foreign teachers for entry level positions like assistant professor.
Apart from this, the HRD ministry also wishes to reduce the clearance period of the visa from the present 6 months to two weeks or even lesser, if possible. This time period is a cause of tussle between the HRD and the foreign ministry. The HRD also wants that teachers from MFN (Most Favoured Nations) should not have to apply to the foreign ministry and instead be sent straight to the Home ministry for security clearance.
As per the sources, HRD ministry wants that the clearances needed for the job application must also be given at the time of the work visa grant. As per the same source, this move alone can bring down the time of clearance to about 8 weeks.