Human Space Fight Program

Image of Human Space Fight Program | Education News Photo

Indian space research organization (ISRO) has initiated pre-project Research and Development activities focusing on critical technologies for Human Space Fight Program. The funds allocated towards this are to the tune of 145 crore rupees. The distribution of funds for the various technical activities are under the major heads, Crew Module System (61 crore rupees), Man rating of launch vehicle (27 crore rupees), study contracts with national and international institutions (36 crore rupees) and other activities like aerodynamics characterization and mission studies (21 crore rupees). This information was revealed by Minister of State in PMO Shri V Narayansamy in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today. 

The Minister said that as part of the preparation of the Project Report of the Human Spaceflight Program, a study has been conducted on absorbing the program into the overall plans of ISRO without de-emphasizing other commitments.