HRD Ministry elects a panel for Sanskrit

Image of HRD Ministry elects a panel for Sanskrit | Education News Photo

New Delhi: An endeavour to endorse Sanskrit language is commanded vigorously by Human Resource Development by electing a member panel that constituted 13 members and the group is headed under the mentorship of former Chief Election Commissioner, Mr N Gopalaswami to deliberate on issues pertaining to the language.

The elected committee is working on the process of how to introduce the teaching of Sanskrit language through the country and also it ponders over the integration of Sanskrit language with other subjects in the discipline namely Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Law and Medical Science. Also they put forth suggestions on required changes to undergo in the education of language in different schools and universities.

Mr Gopalaswami, who currently serves as the chancellor of Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidhyapeeth situated in Tirupati, when asked about the issue expressed that he had just received notification over his phone. The written intimation is yet to be retrieved.

The reliable HRD officials assured the advancement of the language and gave additional information regarding the action plan that has been developed by the committee to progress on Sanskrit language in the coming 10 years of time.

The officials named few ambitious committee members. They are Dr Ramadorai, the chairperson of National Skill Development Corporation, NITI Aayog member Bibek Debroy, the former Secretary of Indian government, Mr VV Bhat, a professor from Delhi University Mr Ramesh Bhardwaj, the UGC chairman Mr Ved Prakash and the RSS-affiliated Samskrit Bharti member, Mr Chamu Krishna Shastri.

Earlier, the HRD ministry had similarly designated a committee panel to support classical languages likewise.