HETE 2017 results delayed; will be released soon

Image of HETE 2017 results delayed; will be released soon | Education News Photo

Candidates of the Haryana Teacher Eligibility Examination (HTET) will further have to wait for the results of the exam as the BSEH has decided to complete the Aadhaar- based biometric attendance of all the test takers. The HETE 2017 exam was conducted in the month of December but due to some technical glitches, the biometric attendance of some students cannot be completed on the exam day. The non-Aadhaar card registered candidates will first have to complete their identification process and it will commence on February 23.

BSEHʼs President, Dr Jagbir Singh said "candidates from other states can complete this process by going to the districts of Haryana. Under special circumstances, the test takers can complete the Aadhaar-based biometric identification by visiting any center established in 22 districts."

The list of the centers is available on the official website of the BSEH-- bseh.org. Candidates who are unable to visit the center on February 23 will have to visit the Teachers Building at the Board Headquarters on February 24 and on February 25.