Focus On Innovation, Javadekar Says To IITians

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On July 16, 2016 Union Human Resources Development Minister, Prakash Javadekar was speaking at an event organized IIT-Delhi. 

As he was talking to the students during the event, he started off his speech with, "We were once upon a time 25 per cent of the world trade, today we are not even one per cent of the world trade. We can achieve through continuous innovation. We can't just recollect on our past glory."

After being appointed as the Union HRD Minister, he has made certain goals which are required to be accomplished in order to improve the quality of education in the nation. Various goals include, improving quality of research, building up labs, increasing proportion of foreign students and faculties in institutions is the need of the hour. 

"Unfortunately in our country PhD has sometimes, not in IITs, but elsewhere we see some type of stories and many times stories appear on TV about how spurious things happen. We want to control that. In those times people were up to date and even Columbus reached America while trying to find India. The HRD minister said the government is taking up new programmes to position IITs in the global best institutions because currently we are nowhere in the top 200.PhDs, add to existing knowledge otherwise it is not a real PhD.

He also mentioned about the various reforms taken by the HRD ministry in order to work for the education sector of the country. He mentioned, "Rs 1000 crore will be put in IITs under IMPRINT programme while also mentioning schemes to encourage startups. This will lead to lot of investment in IITs."Javadekar also asked officials about how IITs can be made self-sufficient in terms of funding in the long run, say, by 2030. Officials said he also promised to look into how CSR funds can flow into IITs.

Now, the nation awaits for the much sought, the New Education Policy as availability, affordability, accountability and quality are the key aspects of education in the country.

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