First Ever CGL SSC Online Exam, Over 8 Lakh Candidates Apply

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SSC CGL exam will going to conduct online for the first time ever. This year more than 8 lakh candidates have applied for the exam.

The online exam will going to be held between 27th August 2016 to 11th September 2016. 

Looking into the matter of cheating and considering the seriousness of the matter of paper leaking, panel of SSC has made some amendments in pattern of the exam. The new pattern of exam will help in improving transparency and also eliminate malpractices in the exam.

One more reason why SSC panel has decided to go through online mode is to ensure smooth and faster processing of the result which will be time saving and also cost effective.

The New Pattern of Exam "“ 

Up-till now SSC exam used to be happened in two tires. According to the new pattern the exam will be conducted in three tires instead of two with an additional tier of the descriptive part.  There will be 100 questions comprised in the paper and the allotted time for the exam is 75 minutes. Where as if we talk about the 2 tier pattern, it will be remained unchanged.

According to the newly appointed SSC chairman "It has been decided to conduct the CGLE through online mode rather than Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) based. It is a historic decision that will bring in more transparency in the examination process."

The date of 1 tier has been declared as August 27. The commission may declare the dates of tier 2 and tier 3 exams after the result of tier 1.

To know more on SSC and other competitive exam, take a halt at Brainbuxa.Com