Easy to follow tips to score more in Math in JEE Mains 2018

Here are the simple tips and tricks to score 80+ Marks in Maths in IIT JEE 2018

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The official exam date for the JEE Mains 2018 offline exam has been released by the CBSE and the official notification for the same is expected to be out in this month. One of the keys to score well in the exam is to start preparing early and smartly for the exam. If you haven’t started then now is the time to get your vehicle on track. The other key is to master the Math section of the exam. Math is considered as the main key to ace the exam. If you are not well prepared for math it is highly unlikely that you will be able to clear the exam. Besides, the subject also comes in handy in studying physics.

Math section has the weight of 120 marks. Below are some points which will help you in scoring 80+ in the section of JEE mains exam syllabus.

  • Start your preparation by doing all the question including the miscellaneous from NCERT book.

  • For a reference book, you can refer to the Objective Mathematics by RD Sharma. The book has in-depth coverage of topics and has a wide variety of questions to practice.

  • Following the trend of the previous year papers of JEE exam, pay special attention to vectors, 3-D and definite integrals instead of getting panicked by the topics like probability or Indefinite integration. Complex numbers is another important topic for the exam.

  • Don’t leave any topic because in the exam all topics are covered. However, more important ones are Algebra, Calculus and Co-ordinate Geometry.

  • Trigonometry is scoring althoughcarries less weightage. Other topics such as Reasoning/Determinants are also very scoring so practice well on these topics.

  • Check your preparation by taking mock exams atGradeUp and by analyzing the mistakes and concepts that you may have skipped your mind during the exam.

  • Concentrate on understanding the math rather than learning it.

  • Visit last year exams of JEE mains to know more about the exam pattern and type of questions asked.

  • Practice, Practice, and Practice!

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