The Delhi University Vice-chancellor Dinesh Singh has been allegedly blamed regarding many issues. One accusation has been the induction of the Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP). The statutory university bodies were not consulted and the approval of the bodies had not been taken. Another accusation has been the 'misappropriation of funds' that had been given for granting laptops worth Rs 172 crore to the OBC students. Also the University has started B Tech courses without the consent of the All India Council for Technical Education.
The HRD Ministry had issue a show cause Notice to the Vice Chancellor which had to be submitted to the Ministry by 1 April 2015.The VC sent his reply just few hours before the expiry of the deadline.
In his response he has defended himself of all the accusations against him.
The education secretary SN Mohanty informed that they haven't gone through the entire response given by the VC and also refused to impart any further information.
The reply is a total of 1000 pages out of which 25 pages is the main guard against the accusations. The rest are the annexures.
After the entire response has been examined a report will be made ready to be sent to the Visitor. The dismissal or the decision to let him continue will depend on this. Introducing the FYUP has dented the careers of many students.
Also the removal clause of the Delhi University Act is not present. But the General Clauses Act will be applied in case the decision to dismiss the VC is taken.
The reply the VC has attached documents to clear the allegations against him stating that the clearance by the statutory university bodies had not been taken only for few courses. The show cause notice however shows that for all the courses the consent was not obtained.
Regarding the Rs 172 crore embezzlement he said the entire amount had been utilized for the OBCs. Although money had been consumed for other purposes it was not the case of corruption as had been declared by the Satyam committee report
Also he notified that only those colleges in which AICTE approval was not required the B.Tech courses had been started.