Going back on its earlier decision, the renowned Delhi University has now said that it won't continue with the execution of the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) on the off chance that its Executive Council and Academic Council rule against the same.
The varsity had a month ago requested that every single partnered college begin readiness for the take off of CBCS and had coordinated the workforce heads to settle the syllabi, setting off a recoil from a few individuals from the varsity's EC.
Blaming DU for actualizing the project "subjectively", the pundits had guaranteed that it was being actualized bypassing the Executive Council.
"The Delhi University is resolved to embrace the UGC's order in regards to the usage of CBCS however it won't proceed if our statutory bodies don't give their endorsement," DU representative Malay Neerav said.
"We won't proceed with the execution by damaging statutory standards," he said.
He, in any case, kept up that DU was in preparatory stage for CBCS execution and prepared for the move.
In its correspondence on April 29, DU recorder had said "I educate you to begin the procedure concerning planning of syllabi for all the college classes inside of the structure set around University Grants Commission (UGC).
"The itemized rules, course structure, draft model syllabi for nineteen college classes which are accessible on UGC's site may be painstakingly sought after by you before beginning the procedure," the letter had said.
Official Council individuals had affirmed that the matter was never put the EC.