On Thursday, Delhi University gave advice to its affiliated colleges to keep the cut-off real and in check. The University stated that even after releasing three cut-off lists not more than 20 percent seats are filled and asked the colleges that it will provide an interface to view the cut-offs set by the 60 colleges.
The interface will help the colleges to decide what their cut-offs should be. According to the officials from the university, there have been several instances by the less popular colleges of the university where they set the cut-offs at par with the popular ones.
“On analyzing data of the past few years, we saw that hardly 20% of all seats are filled in the first three cut-off lists. Through the interface, colleges can check cut-offs and determine their own list. This is only advisory in nature,” said M K Pandit, chairman of the admission advisory committee.
Officials told that new higher cut-offs in the class XII exams of the CBE every year is the main reason for the high cut-offs in the colleges. St. Stephen released its first cut-off list on the Monday with increased cut-offs which indicted that other colleges may also follow the trend.
“Most colleges prepare the final cut-offs a day before it is declared. So it is not clear how the interface will help,” said a representative of Gargi College.
The University also demanded the details of each admission form after the admission which colleges saw as an unnecessary move.
“After admission in each list, there are withdrawals… So it is only going to be a sheer waste of time. Sending one consolidated list after admissions are closed is a better idea,” said a representative of a South Campus college.