Private schools in Delhi which are running on government land have been asked by the Delhi government to submit the details of students enrolled under the EWS category in upper classes within a stipulated time of two days.
The Directorate of Education has communicated to schools that according to the data
availale on the Education department's website, only 154 schools
uploaded the details of the EWS admissions in standard 3 and above. And
some errors were also found.
"Due to the incomplete and erroneous data, it is difficult to ascertain the number of students admitted under the freeship quota in upper classes in the schools running on the land belonging to DDA or the government which is to be submitted in the high court," it said, adding that exemption might have been granted to minority schools.
Schools have also been directed by the government to make sure that 20 per cent
of all new admissions for the academic session 2016-17 should comprise of children
in the vicinity, belonging to economically weaker sections.