Day 1 Looking Good For IIT-M Students

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Job offers of a total 89 were made during two of three sessions on the first day of IIT Madras placement. This number also includes the offers that the companies made after the rounds of interviews went into late night from 1am to 6pm.

IIT Madras is widely known as one of the best engineering colleges in the country. The institute reserved the first session of the placement season for the top employers which usually offer foreign placements and international profiles to the students. The IT giant Microsoft made as many as three offers in the campus, while one offer each was received from well known multinationals such as Oracle, VISA and Google.

The time slot of 8am to 2pm was reserved for the morning session which saw a number of well known management consultant and computer sciences (CS) companies battling to pick up the top talents in the entire country. In all, these companies made about 83 offers. The afternoon from 3pm to 11 pm saw the participation of only non-CS companies. The placement officers of the institute did not officially share the details of the packages offered by the companies, but they hinted that the average base pay which is offered at the institute, not including the bonuses and other pay variables from the company is close to 85 lakhs.