In a press conference held at Jaipur, Chief Minister of Rajasthan Vasundhara Raje said that “the state government is planning to open a school for hearing impaired students of Rajasthan. Talks are going on with some of the organizations for establishment of the same”. She added “this is going to be first of its kind of college in the country and discussions are going on”.
Raje also announced to change the designation of the college teachers and also make necessary changes in the rules of the college education.
The Chief Minister emphasized on the special bond that is shared between the students and the teachers. She also stated that “the values of the guru-shishya parampara should be restored, so that we can save our present and future generations”. The minister urged the teachers to focus on research.
Raje also told that more than 1 lakh people are employed in the government sector and skill development training is being given to all.
On the issue to marks percentage she said “the marks percentage of the students studying in the government schools has improves significantly and more than 13 lakh students have joined government schools who were studying in private schools.
State Higher Education Minister Kiran Maheshwari and others were also present.