Check the details regarding the nursery admissions for the EWS category

The computerized draws of the lot will be conducted by the Directorate of Education (DoE) on March 7

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On January 22, the admission process for the EWS category for the nursery classes begun. Parents can now visit the official website-- and fill the online application form. The last date for submitting the form is February 21 2018.

The computerized draws of the lot will be conducted by the Directorate of Education (DoE) on March 7. A notice said "admissions to the EWS and DG category shall be made in the said schools against 25 percent seats reserved for them under the Right to Education Act, 2009".

Steps to register for the EWS category

  • Visit the official website as mentioned above
  • Click on the tab for EWS/DG admissions
  • Click on 'Registration for new users'
  • In the fields provided, fill all the details in the prescribed format
  • Click on the register button to register

Who comes under the EWS category?
Families who have annual income is less than INR 1 lakh and have a residence proof of Delhi can seek the admission under EWS category.

Who comes under the DG category?
SC, ST, OBC (non-creamy layer), children with disabilities, orphans, trans-genders, and children affected by HIV.