CBSE planning stern action to stop school bullying

Image of CBSE planning stern action to stop school bullying | Education News Photo

Even though majority of the schools have disciplinary committees, the cases of bullying have grown in some schools. Weighing the necessity to curb such activities The Central Board of Secondary Education has demanded all the affiliated schools to start committees against ragging and bullying.

Most of the schools have appreciated and accepted the formation of these committees 

With more than 40 CBSE Schools and over 10,000 students the need of such an initiative was recommended.

The Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya-1 S K Behura said that to ensure that the harassment of the students in the schools comes to end; the Board has taken an apt measure.

Countless cases are not reported by the students in the schools owing to various reasons.

The SAI International School of the city has CCTV surveillance in the classrooms and the corridors which help in keeping a track of all the students and their activities. Also a disciplinary committee is already maintaining discipline in the school. The dean of admissions Arundhati Sudhir, dean of admissions of the school feels that it is an excellent attempt to check the unruliness in the schools. She also said that the school will definitely form the committee.

The members of the committee should comprise the vice-principal, a senior teacher, a school doctor, a counsellor, representatives from parents-teachers association and school management and a legal representative.

A display board has to be put up by the school warning the students with strict action if found indulging in the act of bullying another student.

The guidelines direct to strictly prohibit bullying on the premises.

 With the increasing count of physical and cyber bullying the students cannot refuse to odd jobs they are asked to do by their seniors such as carrying bags and using their stuff. Also the verbal abuse, sending abusive messages on facebook and Whatsapp seems to traumatize the students.

The new students who join schools are pestered by the old ones. Rarely the students go to the disciplinary activities.

School teacher S N Mohanty said that new guidelines lay down strict rules for the students who indulge in such activities.

Such bully students will be given oral and written warnings. They might also be suspended from schools, their results might be held back and a fine upto a specific amount will be charged. For serious cases the student might even be rusticated from the school or shifted from one school to another

Most of the schools have already been taking steps to check bulling and ragging by forming child harassment and sexual abuse committees to ensure that no such incidents happen in future. In some cases the students are counselled in the presence of the students.

Snehasuta Sarangi, principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya-4 said the school already has taken measures to stop such activities, now the school will form the anti-bullying committee as well