CBSE, on Tuesday, was directed by the Delhi High Court to continue its policy of marks moderation to the students for the difficult marks. The decision to remove the marks moderation policy was challenged by a parent and lawyer who argued that this step will impact the results of the students significantly.
The petitioners said that this will highly impact those students who are planning to study abroad after class 12. On Monday, the high court termed the move of scrapping marks moderation policy by the CBSE as 'unfair and irresponsible' decision and directed the board to continue the policy.
Due to the directive from the High Court, the board is not likely to declare the result of class 12 any sooner as there will be a delay if the marks needed adjustments according to the marks moderation policy. The board has not released any official notification for the class 12 result declaration.
Earlier, the results were expected to be released today however, after the court's directive, CBSE remain unavailable for the further comment. Meanwhile, the Delhi University has also extended the deadline date for undergraduate courses up to June 12.