The date sheet for the compartment exams of class 10 (Improvement of Performance) and class 12 (compartment exams) have been released by the CBSE on the official website of the CBSE which is first exam for class 10 (Improvement in performance) would be of Social Science.
Date sheet for class 10
Important instructions for the candidates
- The answer sheets will be distributed to the candidates between 10 am and 10:15 am during which candidates will have to write their particulars on the Answer Book and the same will be checked and signed by the Asstt. Supdt. The questions papers will be distributed to the students between 10:15 - 10:30 am. During this time the students will read the question paper and will prepare the strategy for attempting the question paper.
- In commerce, candidates will have the option to offer either Elements of Bussiness or Elements of Book-keeping or Accountancy OR E- Type Writing-English OR E-Type Writing-Hindi
- The results for these exams will be declared by the 3rd week of the August 2017.
Date sheet for class 12
The class 12 compartment exams will began from July 17 and the exam for all the subject papers will be held on the same day.
Instructions for the candidates
- There will also be practical exams for the candidates who have failed in practical in a subject involving the practical.
- The practical exam will be held at the center of theory exam within the three days after the theory exam.
- The duration for the practical exam in the physical education and music will be at the discretion of the examiner.
- The results for the class 12 compartment exams are likely to be declared in the second week of August.