Britain's First Graphic Fiction and Comic Art

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The expert of the famous comic book series "The Adventures of Tintin" is now Britain's first ever professor of "graphic fiction and comic art."

 Benoit Peeters, 59 year old graphic novelist and critic from France will take the position as a visiting professor at Lancaster University in North-west England starting from the summer of 2015.

He says that it's a great honour to receive the post.  He wants to explore the connections between the history of graphic fiction and the world of comics and graphic novels.

Being known as a world authority on the Tintin comics and is also an author of a biography of the cartoonist Herg, Peteers will organize creative writing workshops, give lectures and supervise post-graduate students during his three year position. 

The position was came about as a result of a partnership with the Lakes International Comic Art Festival from Cumbria county. 

The university states that it was a significant investment in the academic significance of comic art. They are delighted Benoit has accepted the post. Simon Guy, who is the dean of faculty of arts and social sciences  at the Lancaster University, states that the appointment will bring a new dimension to the University and in particular to the English and creative writing programmes. 

In October 2015, Peeters will take part in the Lakes International festival in October 2016.
In the meantime, an exhibition called "Herge's Masterpiece" which is about the comic series will be held at Somerset House in London for all the Tintin fans.