On Thursday, CBSE informed the SC that it has decided against conducting the re-test of class 10 Math subject. CBSE further informed that the decision was taken after conducting the scientific evaluation of random answer sheets, which suggests students received no upper hand from the leaked question paper.
The submission was made by the CBSE in the form of affidavit in which it said that another reason for not conducting the re-test is that students from class 10 will move to class 11 and will remain the part of the school education system.
The affidavit was filed in response to the PIL which sought to direct the CBSE to conduct the re-exam of the class 10 in the month of April.
The court then asked the CBSE to give their answer by April 16.
In its latest affidavit, CBSE cited reasons for its decision and said “the Board triggered a scientific approach to take a considered view after seeing the general trend emerging out of a random evaluation of the class 10 Mathematics exam on priority basis. “Accordingly, evaluation of class 10 Mathematics was taken up and same did not indicate spikes or unusual patterns, giving any impression of widespread benefits of the alleged paper leak.”
Education News
Based on scientific evaluation, CBSE decided against class 10 Math re-test
CBSE's decision is based on the scientific evaluation of the answer sheets