The HRD ministry is contemplating a major change in the education system in the country. An aptitude test will be developed by the HRD ministry in order to help assess school students their areas of interest so that they can choose and pursue the right courses.
A task force comprising officials of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and psychometric experts for developing a "prototype" of this proposed assessment has been formed. Currently, the team is working on creating the items and content for a test for Class IX.
The team of experts will work under HRD ministry to create a prototype of the psychometric test for Class IX exam. For the time being, this voluntary test may be carried out in a few areas and based on the feedback, the ministry may expand it in conjunction with state governments.
Last month, in a meeting, secretary (school education and literacy) SC Khuntia is learned to have reviewed preparations for the aptitude test.
This test will be voluntary and would be an additional tool available to students for making the right choice. However, students will be provided certificates as well after the test.
According to Rama Sharma, CBSE spokeswoman, CBSE had conducted aptitude assessment exercises in the past. These tests are an indicator for both students and parents for making the right choice.
All this is done with the purpose to improve the school education in the country in conjunction with state governments. Another idea proposed is creating a separate cadre of principals and head masters for better management of schools.