AOL's CoolAge Nominated for the 2nd Indian Digital Awards for "Best Mobile News Category Service"

Image of AOL's CoolAge Nominated for the 2nd Indian Digital Awards for "Best Mobile News Category Service" | Education News Photo

CoolAge the online and mobile-web product launched by AOL has been nominated for the 2nd Indian Digital Awards 2012 for "Best Mobile News Category Service." This is the second year that Internet And Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) is conducting its annual Indian Digital Awards ceremony.

CoolAge has been nominated from over 1000 entries including some of the biggest brands, companies and technology and will now compete with the ipad and mobile sties of NDTV, Getit, Newshunt and The Times of India in the final round for the "Best Mobile News Category Service" award.

The award will be announced at the 6th India Digital Summit and 2nd Indian Digital Awards 2012 to be held on 18th January 2012 at the India Habitat Center, New Delhi.

Parthasarathy Madhukar, Director CoolAge- India shared, "It's an honor to be nominated for such a prestigious award. This is a huge achievement and recognition of the blood, sweat and tears of our passionate team including the students of Indian colleges who have made have such a huge impact in such a short time. 

More than 700 delegates representing CEOs and senior executives of the Internet and mobile industry, senior executives, brand managers, publishers, advertisers and marketers are expected to attend the summit and award ceremony of IMAI's 2nd annual Indian Digital Awards 2012.

About CoolAge

CoolAge is a web, mobile product and platform that allows college students to publish articles, stories, pictures and videos of all the campus activities that happen in their respective colleges. CoolAge is also an online magazine for every college and brings together all these colleges under one website, enabling the students to read about other colleges' activities across India from anywhere in the world. More than 200 colleges across India including IITs, IIMs, LSR, NLS, St.Stephen's, BITs, NITs, MCC, Xaviers, DU, Ethiraj, Stella Marris, MIT are on CoolAge. AOL has sponsored and conducted mega events at college fests such as Mood Indigo at IIT Bombay, Springfest at IIT Kharagpur, Oasis at BITs Pilani, Tashi at LSR, Chaos at IIM Ahmedabad, Unmaad at IIM Bangalore, Echoes at IIM Kozhikode and many others.

The editorial teams from colleges, prolific student writers, and students with a creative streak, have signed up on the platform to cover campus activities, news, buzz and events from their colleges. AOL CoolAge empowers students from each of the colleges, trains them on AOL processes, editorial & publishing technology, mobile and online smart tools to manage their work and are mentored by AOL subject matter experts. Interns are also provided opportunities to attend workshops, seminars and events along with AOL's management team. These students are also paid a monthly stipend. 

Here is what the students say:

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Saleela Kappan, RED Communications, +91 080 4121 9509/ 9980188938,