Answer key for the UP Assistant Teacher Recruitment Exam 2018 released

Candidates who had appeared for the exam, can visit the official website

Image of Answer key for the UP Assistant Teacher Recruitment Exam 2018 released | Education News Photo

The answer key for the Assistant Teachers Recruitment Exams-2018 has been released by the Examination Regulatory Authority (ERA). The exam was held on May 27 for recruiting the 68,500 teachers in junior schools across the state. Candidates who had appeared for the exam, can visit the official website -- and download the answer key.

Candidates can directly download the UP Assistant Teacher answer key 2018, download here

If candidates have any objections regarding the answers given in the key they can e-mail the correction with proof at till 6pm of June 9. Any suggestions received after this will not be entertained.

ERA, Sutta Singh said, "Proof given in books from class 1 to 8 of Basic Education Council (BEC), 9 to 12 of Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Board (UPSEB) and that of NCERT will be considered. Reference from text-books other than the two boards and NCERT books will not be considered."

She further said that candidates need to send two images one containing the image of the index of the books and other containing the answer. Any application sent via personal mail, SMS message will not be considered.

A total of 125745 candidates had applied for the exam of which 1,07,908 candidates appeared. For passing the exam, candidates from general and reserved categories are required to obtain minimum of 45% marks Candidates belonging to schedule cast and schedule tribe are required to score minimum 40 percent marks for passing the exam.