The introduction of online verification of mark-sheets have protected the marks evaluation system from unethical practices completely which was earlier used to verify only the certificates.The Bihar School Examination Board has introduced the cleanup system for the first time after getting criticized by the topper scam recently. The topper scam has damaged the reputation of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) and signs of improvements have been noticed in the recent announcement of the results of the Class 10 and 12 on Thursday.
The list of improvements includes the fact that for the Class 10 exam, which was held in November the pass percentage has decreased to 27.59 from 69.54 per cent last year. The success of cleaning the evaluation system was possible mainly because of the digital evaluation and the bar coding of the answer sheets, according to the officials.
The online verification process has been introduced for mark sheets, which has helped in protecting the system from unethical practices. Earlier only the certificates were verified. According to the chairman of BSEB, Anand Kishor, newly designed security features such as M Sign or QR Code have been added to the online mark-sheets which offers complete safety.The original and the provisional mark-sheets will be sent by BSEB to the students as per requests from them, only on providing their Aadhar card numbers along with the requests. A permanent database will be created as per the Aadhar card numbers and the facility of e-lockers will be provided to the candidates whose records are available in the database which was stated by spokesman Rajeev Ranjan Dwivedi of BSEB.