Admit cards for the UPSC Engineering Services Main Exam 2017 released on the official website of the UPSC located at URL The exam is scheduled to be held on various centers across the nation on May 14.
Steps to download the admit card
- Log on to the official website of UPSC at
- Read all the instructions carefully
UPSC will conduct the examination to fill the 440 vacancies under various engineering disciplines.
Examination schedule
Stage 1
Stage 1 examination will be objective type in nature. It is a preliminary exam and is held to select the candidates for the mains/stage-2 examination.
Stage 2
Engineering services main exam and is conventional in nature
Stage 3
Personality test
About UPSC
UPSC is India's centralized agency and is authorized to conduct the exams for Civil Services, Engineering services, Combined Medical Services, Combined Defense Services, National Defense Academy, Naval Academy and other Combined Medical Services, Combined Defense Services, National Defense Academy, Naval Academy and other important exam for the government.