26% Elementary schools in India have access to computer aided learning: Survey by Pratham reveals

In the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), PRATHAM a non-governmental organization has revealed that computers are available in 20 percent of schools in 201

Image of 26% Elementary schools in India have access to computer aided learning: Survey by Pratham reveals | Education News Photo

In a recent Annual Status of Education Report revealed by PRATHAM, a non-governmental organization revealed that computers based education was available in 20% schools in 2016 in comparison to the 19.6% in 2014. PRATHAM conducted the annual achievement survey in rural areas the findings of report were published in ASER. The report however, included schools which have computers and does not say anything about the computer aided learning in schools in rural areas.

According to the Data revealed by the Unified District Information System for Education (U-DISE), 25.97% of elementary schools have access to computers and access to computer aided learning in 2015-16 in comparison to the 25.23% schools in 2014-15.

The report also revealed that in the year 2016, there has been no decline in the availability of computers and teachers as compared to 2014 as far as government and government aided elementary schools.

For the universalization of the education throughout the entire country, the Central government aids the States and Union Territories as a part of its Sarva Siksha Abhiyan. It is through the SSA that government supports the Stats and Union Territories for improving their Information and communication technology facility in upper primary schools. Rs. 31195.06 lacs were allocated under SSA for CAL for the session 2016-17. In order to further strengthen the education in the country Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) was launched by the central government in order to promote the spirit of inquiry and creativity, enthusiasm for science and mathematics.

In response to a question in Rajya Sabha, the minister of State, Shri Upendra Kushwaha said "under the RAA scheme, the Central Government provides Rs. 25 lakh per district every annum is provided to the States and union Territories for promoting activities in the areas of Science, Mathematics and Technology.