In a recent announcement related to the latest updates for the upcoming NEET 201 exam, Union Minister Prakash Javadekar told that the exam will be conducted in 23 new cities across the country. The exam is conducted for getting admissions into courses like MBBS/BDS in medical/dental colleges which are running with the approval of Medical Council of India/Dental council of India under the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
New cities were added because various state governments such as Tamil Nadu rejected the NEET exam as exam centers were inaccessible to the students of rural areas.
Most recent NEET exam updates
- The NEET exam will be conducted in six additional languages from the commencing 2017-18 session.
- The new six languages in the exam will be Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Telugu and Tamil.
The exam is scheduled to be held on May 7.
Following is the list of 23 new NEET cities from where the exam will be conducted.
- Andhra Pradesh: Guntur
- Andhra Pradesh: Tirupati
- Gujarat: Anand
- Gujarat: Bhavnagar
- Gujarat: Gandhinagar
- Karnataka: Davangiri
- Karnataka: Hubli
- Karnataka: Mysore
- Karnataka: Udipi
- Kerala: Kannur
- Kerala: Thrissur
- Maharashtra: Ahmednagar
- Maharashtra: Amravati
- Maharashtra: Kolhapur
- Maharashtra: Satara
- Punjab: Amritsar
- Rajasthan: Jodhpur
- Tamil Nadu: Namakkal
- Tamil Nadu: Tirunelveli
- Tamil Nadu: Vellore
- Uttar Pradesh: Gorakhpur
- West Bengal: Howrah
- West Bengal: Kharagpur
Important dates related to the exam
- Admit cards uploading date: April 15
- Date of examination: May 7
- Result declaration: June 8