Why is young India under skilled?

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Education must be treated as a talent based rather than a class based entity. It has been found from a research that out of thousands of engineers that graduate every year, 75 percent are unemployed. This arises as the focus is given to note learning instead of vocational training. The main reason for which they get disqualified in job interviews is due to lack of proper soft skills. The need of soft skill is very important as it helps the young workforce to throw a good impression and to present themselves smartly. It is also been observed that 46 percent of children in India are malnourished. So focus should be made to improve the health condition of the youth as this is said to be a catalyst to develop skilled employees. Education in India is focussed more on class rather than talent. The rich category go for MBA's where as the poor ones go for vocational courses.

Recently it was determined that a heavy investment of Rs two lakh crore is made towards the development of primary education. But the output is found to be negligible. In the present day, the diploma holders or the certificates issued by the vocational training institutes has got no value in the industry as well as in the society. This arises because MBA professionals take their position in the industries. The industry should not always look down upon certificates rather it should give emphasis to the skills involved in an individual. The practical knowledge of an individual should be encouraged. The curriculum should be made completely skill based as it helps in developing skilled employees for the industry. The lack of skills is arising the unemployment problem in the country. India lacks sufficient skilled workers as the vocational training system is not properly managed and the individuals do not give prior importance to the system.

The mismatch of qualification is another reason for which the individuals are under skilled. The individuals having over qualification are unable to find good job matches. The workers who are over qualified earn less than those individuals who are comparatively less qualified. Due to such issues, the over qualified workers do not achieve job satisfaction and they take a decision to leave their work. Such situation arises due to the discrepancies between the qualification and skill mismatch. Steps should be taken to establish a proper match between the delivery of the education system and the needs of the labour market. Therefore training related to work , adult learning and training through practical knowledge should be implemented to upgrade the skills of the young workforce and to make them driven by the technological change. Therefore both qualification and mismatch of skill are meant to bridge the gap between the ability of a person and the ability required by his job. There are many reasons for which the youth of India is under skilled. Hence the Government should take proper measures to eradicate this problem and make the young workforce more skilled.