Waste management could be a very integral part of Indian education

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The environment is under serious threat due to pollution and waste materials. The waste materials that are generated in the 21st century contain a lot of harmful and toxic materials. These materials are often radioactive in nature. Waste materials need to be managed in a good way in order to prevent it from effecting the environment. The government needs to put in more thought behind waste management. The need for education to people on waste management is tremendous at the moment. Unless people are taught about the environment they will never take it seriously.

Environmental education:

As a measure to protect the environment the government has made it necessary to teach environmental education in each and every school. This move has allowed the government to instill the feeling of responsibility about the environment in each and every one. There have been several campaigns on the need to protect the environment. The recent cutting down of trees has led to a lot of global warming. The major concern with environment is that due to modernization certain products have become necessities but are harmful to the environment.

Waste management:

Waste products from houses, factories and offices account for a lot of hazardous products. The most harmful wastes come from the backyard of a life saving hospital. These harmful waste products are taken and dumped into the river or are burnt down. Burning those materials causes air pollution as a lot of products are radioactive. Dumping them into the water results in serious consequences like water pollution and also killing the creatures present in water bodies. The government needs to understand the need of proper waste management not only in cities but also in the rural areas.

Proper utilization of waste products:

The best way to dispose of waste products in this modern day is to put them to effective use. These waste products can often be recycled, reused and reduced. Products like plastic cannot be destroyed and hence they need to be recycled. The bio degradable matter that is left after separation can be used to make fertilizers in the fields. These waste products can also be used as bio mass in order to produce energy in the rural areas.  These can be used very effectively. In a country like India there is always shortage of power supply. The energy production from these waste products can be very helpful.

Steps taken by the government:

The Indian government has been associated with these research works. In Chennai a university along with another university from Japan has decided to provide education o this field in order to produce energy from waste materials. They had a meeting on this recently. The corporation members from Chennai were called in this meeting. They can assist the universities in processing the waste in a better way. The university could create history with this latest education trend to save the environment. The tie up between the two universities will help Indian education in a better way.