The special job oriented training given to somebody based on practical use of machinery for industries is technical education. Hence, it is such a practical skill development course that teaches a student how to use scientific equipment or machines in our daily life.

A student, who is given technical education later, becomes a technician whose job is handling equipments or machines and keeping them in good condition. On the contrary, the general education given in schools and colleges produces such an educated person whose job is to search for a job. It is because they are given theoretical education rather than practical one. Moreover, they have to spend so many years at college or university that makes them get tired of learning. Since, it is non technical subject, they may later be unemployed. Therefore, in this regard technical education is a synonymous word for employment in which they can use their mind as well as their hands.

Technical education is also a part of vocational education. Vocational education is connected with the skills and knowledge to do a particular job. In other words, vocational education prepares students for specific jobs. It is available at schools and colleges with special and specific training. Besides, this kind of skill can be passed from one person to another informally.

Today, education is becoming more and more job oriented. This is the reason behind the question whether technical education is necessary. Some of the bullet points of technical education are:-

  • Technical training makes people skilled so that they may be able to handle machineries properly. Technical education make expert in certain domains of life. There are certain jobs that cannot be performed well unless having technical education.
  • It is very important for any country of the world. It will not be possible to make industry the important basis of economy as we envisaged without making arrangements for technical education.
  • It is recommended that industries should set up or help to facilitate technical education programs. But this process cannot go on for all times to come. At one stage or the other, they will have to reduce the number of those who get the education so that there may not be any unemployment among those who get the technical education.
  • It is a general point of view of common people that technical men can never remain unemployed as they can have their own industries but it is true in theories only. Practically it requires a good market to sell the finished goods. Hence it is recommended to put these two items in order to achieve the desired target.
  • One should try to have broad outlook, comprehensive thinking and liberal approach for which technical education is necessary.

Technical education is a must for the developing and underdeveloped countries. Since, it is difficult to afford higher studies; it has been a must due to short time training and the assurance of a job on hand.