Technology inspiring Education

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Technology inspiring Education
    World is empowering itself with time. With every passing new day, something is gained. Does anyone realize that in this revolutionary universe human is the fastest growing race in here? We don’t know exactly where it all started. We have theories but no proofs; but about future we don’t need proofs we need tools and strategy and fortunately we have both.
    Education is a thing that’s seen as a good development parameter. Learning and growing is the new trend. We present ourselves to this universe with our educational growth and our new capabilities of making a difference. In this direction Internet is revolutionizing education radically. You can almost see half of the world’s education is available on Internet. We don’t know where it is going to take us. But we know it’s a growth and it’s good. We appreciate it.

What's there:    In this regard when on Internet you try to find non-technical stuff; you’ll see there is a pool of knowledge and to be honest when it comes to technical and scientific knowledge, this Internet is treasure. You’d wish to steal all of the information, you’ll love it that much. ‘E-learning’, ‘online-teaching’, ‘distance learning’, ‘video lectures’, ‘audio lectures’, ‘E-books’, ‘online exams’, ‘virtual education course’, ‘virtual classrooms’, ‘online conferences’, ‘news’, ‘tutorials’, ‘do-it-yourself’ etc. are the unbeatable delivery of Internet in our lives. This Internet has brought a strange change in everything connecting our lives but ‘Education’ is the most influenced. 
What is being done:    You can teach someone on Internet, you can learn anything on Internet, you can get any information in any format like: audio, video, text, animation etc. you can start your own e-school on Internet. When you see your most of the demography uses Internet you’d love to open an e-school. When you check for current developments in this area you’ll find that many websites are already exploring a new change in education through Internet. People all over the world attend conferences on scientific and non-scientific topics online on It’s a mark established in this field. I hope other organizations are also inspired with this form of education and they all will bring this into their distance learning courses. Even oxford like universities provide schooling online. You can read notes and attend classes virtually without even being their physically.
In India:    In India e-learning technology is highly appreciated and kids-schools are well equipped with these technologies. It’s a parameter now that helps in enhancing schools reputation. In small towns and cities also this e-learning has been spreading since it was introduced in India. We accept these amazing things so quickly and adapt these technologies in our personal lives. This nature of our society develops itself in good manner. Thanks to those education societies who put first step forward in this direction that helped people to believe in this change. 
Like always we’ve been following changes. Changes that make our lives different. We all get used to it. We all appreciate it. Let’s hope our society grows like this and new technologies like Internet will make surely help in making this world a better place.