Teach Your Child To Be Positive

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We all think that a positive kid becomes a positive man. Let's start with the very beginning. Parents are the ones who can shape their children future by showing them the right path to follow. They teach them how to initiate & struggle with no stress at every phase of life. So, here we are to help Parents by giving general tips to direct their little ones how to be positive since beginning.

1. Have you ever had a random discussion with your children? Well kids love it when their parents spend good happy time with them & try to get to know what their kids feel. Talk to them; ask about what's happening in their lives. If you find them sad, stressed or alone, accompany them & share your positive experiences. They'll get a positive motivation to face their problems with ease.

2. Teach your child to analyze himself every day. Think about the achievements of the day, mistakes committed & what you have learnt from that.

3. Celebrate success of your child in every task. Success is something for which you must have given all your efforts & finally achieved it. Celebrate the success of your accomplishments. 

4. Always remember to be stress free. It's the happiness mantra. Once you are stressed, you ruin your other activities also. Sometimes stress invites other negative energies also in your tasks which becomes impossible later. Stress fights with the positive energy & try to convert it into negative one.

5. Always be optimistic. Optimism brings a positive urge to accept new challenges & you seek for good & growing opportunities. This leads to success in future.

6. Feel like a winner. Have you ever imagined yourself at a higher cadre sitting on higher authority chair? Imagination is the power which gives a positive feel of being superior. Imagine yourself on hieghts, dream about what you want to achieve.  More you think positive, success will automatically be yours. So always visualize your success.

7. Many times you face criticism, which demotivates you from doing your tasks. But always try to take critisism positively which keeps you awake whole time not to run away from your responsibiliites.

8. Parents must use positive language at home which a child also learns & uses in their regular routine.

9. Never ever lose hope. Keep on expecting positive outcome from your work. Always have faith in what you do.

10. When a baby learns how to walk, in the process he crawls first, walks & falls, but never ever gives up. That's why we all are standing on our feet today. Well what I want to say is to keep trying, your positivity will make you reach to the top.

11. During chioldhood days, every kid lives in the imaginary world which is not real. Kids wants to be superheroes, their favourite comic characters & supernatural beings. Teach them what's real & what's not.  Tell them to have realistic goals which can be achieved.

12. Kids with positivity have self respect, which matters a lot to them. Positive minds emmits positive rays & converts other negative minds into positive ones.

All the  above tips helps in managing emotions & taking corrective actions to become positive thinker. Children are innocent, they are positive since birth. What you need to do is to guide them properly about the negativity which exists in this cruel world. One day they'll fight against cruelity & you never know they can also become our positive leaders like Swami Vivekananda, Subhash chandra Bose or Great Obama.