The charm of a Government doesn't fade away. Right from the Banking jobs to the jobs in the All India administrative services, lakhs of aspirants compete each year for a few thousand posts. One of the most lucrative of these jobs is the SSC-CGL job. SSC CGL stands for Staff Selection Commission "“ Combined Graduate Level.
A number of desk and field based jobs are offered to the successful candidates. Here is the list of the jobs on offer for the aspirants passing the SSC CGL exam "“
- Assistant in CSS (Central Secretariat Services)
- Assistant in Foreign Ministry
- Assistant in Other Ministries
- Auditors, Accountants and clerks
- Income Tax Inspector
- Excise Inspector
- Tax Preventive Officer
- Tax Examiner
- Sub-inspector in CBI
- Inspector and Sub-Inspector in Narcotics
- Postal Inspector
The posts are divided into two categories, viz. Interview posts (which require the candidate to undergo a personal interview) and non-interview ones. Barring certain statistical posts which require a background in Statistics, all the graduates are eligible for all other jobs. Also, certain non interview posts would require the candidate to undergo a typing or a Computer skills' test, depending upon the requirement of the job.
The exam for SSC-CGL is conducted in multiple stages. The first stage is called TIER "“ 1. This comprises of a two hour long written objective type question paper containing questions from Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness and English language. Each section has 50 questions with every question carrying 1 mark. One-fourth marks are deducted for each incorrect answer. There is no sectional cut-off in the SSC-CGL exam! The time allotted for these 200 questions is 120 minutes. Also, this is a paper based test (and not an online exam).
The students clearing the TIER-1 exam go through to the TIER-2 exam which has 2 separate question papers. The TIER - 2 exam has one paper each for Maths and English. While the Maths paper carries 100 questions from 200 marks, the English paper has 200 questions for 200 marks. The duration for each paper is 2 hours.
After the TIER "“ 1 and TIER "“ 2 stages, a combined (TIER 1 + TIER 2) cut off is announced. There are separate cut offs for the interview and non-interview posts. The interview posts, expectedly, carry a much higher cut off than the non interview ones. The next step is the Interview / typing test / computer test.
Some important notes:
- You would have to fill in your post preference at the time of filling up the form (before TIER1) which can't be changed at a later stage. So make sure that you perform a thorough research before filling in the form.
- SSC has a habit of repeating its previous questions so a thorough study of previous papers can really come in handy!
The 2015 dates for SSC-CGL are out already! Do keep an eye & prepare with all your heart! If there is anything else you wish to add on to this write-up, please leave it in the comment below.