Science & Curiosity- the root of story

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Science & Curiosity: ‘the root of story’

Science is the part where a lot of questions are raised and solved day in day out.  From the part of our lives when we wake up to when we sleep and even after that one thing is always working: “SCIENCE”.
The people who believe in science do believe in miracles, since the science itself is a miracle to them. The science is combination of two: 

  1. ‘Theories’
  2. And ‘Logical explanation to those theories’

So who writes this? Who develops a theory?
To find Answers to such questions we need a better skinny knowledge of what happened in the history (people usually concerned with science don’t give any attention to history like words but here is the important aspect, another face of coin: ‘Science too has a history’).

The story: 
So what happened those days was quite intellect and worth knowing: ‘there were some people who believed in GOD and made few things too much complicated for some communities in humans in a strange way under orthodox and superstitions taking artificial theories of almighty as base for their own profits.’ Few people (the well-wishers are always there) started worrying about the current situation of human being in society. So they started digging the superstitions and proved wrong to them. It took ages to complete that little statement, but it was just a start of a whole new era. The people 

  1. Who were well wishers
  2. And who were getting benefit with these experiments

These people started praising the new principles and these principles became ‘SCIENCE’ of those days…

The Root:
If someone missed out the word ‘Digging’, let me remind you it was the root of Science. There are many historical stories and views of science but I like the part that I wrote (it’s quite self-portrayed). But to make it clear the root, it was a fine story I believed in.
‘Digging is mother of Science; some people call it research now days.’

Refining story:
The story actually started with Culture, Curiosity, Sociology, Observations, Measurement, Concepts, Questions, Explanation, Predication of phenomena, Historiography, Natural Happenings, Reasons, Calculation, Math, Pseudoscience etc. and after going through a big revolution and a lot of efforts, inventing and producing new things, what we got was a vast, wide, endless ocean in parts as Life Science, Natural Science, Social Science, Physical and Biological Science and the endless list of science’s categories as a new Culture. Yes, well we just declared Science as a culture, since we follow it as a culture. This thing also took ages to complete.
Through observations and ideas we can only get a brief idea of origin of science but the real thing is only that matters, no matter how complicated was the beginning and what it took to take a news start for finding reasons behind things, the root has always been in ‘Digging’, so one should never leave this new culture of ours and never stop digging. Oh! Sometimes in writing I forget to mention about the real things and that is: Digging is just a pseudo name to ‘Curiosity’ and curiosity is an endless world of interest. 

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." – Einstein said and we follow, since it’s the part of culture: ‘SCIENCE’.