Right to Vote

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Right to vote is every citizen's fundamental right. A responsible& vigilant citizen would never abstain himself from casting vote. Casting vote is an indicator of the awareness of the nation among the masses.


"¢    One who is concerned about the country's prosperity.

"¢    One who has active participation in the country's matters.

"¢    One who has a concrete choice regarding his/her representative.

"¢    One who considers Right to vote above all other fundamental rights.

"¢    One who understands democracy & its provisions.


"¢    One who is unaware of the political happenings of the country.

"¢    One who has passive participation in the country's matters.

"¢    One who is not affected by the change in the government.

"¢    One who projects himself more as an individual than a citizen of a country.

"¢    One who is reluctant to cast vote considering the fact that one vote hardly makes a difference.  

Decide yourself what kind of citizen you wish to become. Don't just sit back, step out of your house & vote. It's time to wake up from your slumber.
No matter whom you choose, what matters is that all citizens above the age of 18 must exercise their RIGHT TO VOTE. So, do cast a vote because your vote does make lot of difference.