Now days, reservation is something that is available at any field in India. The scheduled castes or the scheduled tribes are having more privileges than the general category students. It has been seen that if a person has got nice scores in any entrance test for a good business school, he or she is barred from taking the admission by some minor cut-offs. If the same score had been scored by a student of scheduled caste or scheduled tribe then the student would have easily got the seat without any problems. In India, one can see that there are a lot of privileges given to the various reserved categories. One of the best examples is described above. For any reserved category the cut-offs is usually low compared to any general category which makes the students of general category to face some unwanted problems.
This reservation system was introduced in India about sixty years ago when there was a lot of discrimination regarding the caste of a person. So in order to give equal opportunities to both the weaker sections of the society as well as the stronger sections of the society this reservation process was implemented but in today's India no person will ask about the caste if you go to any educational institution for getting an admission. In fact the discrimination in respect to such caste system has been eradicated even then the reservation system prevails in the education system that acts as an advantage to the people who have certificates that they are scheduled caste or scheduled tribes even though in real life they do not happen to be.
Reservation in educational institutions in India is a common thing. The recent statistics shows that a student that takes place admission in a reserved category gets some more benefits than the general category student. Some benefits are like you will be allowed some reduction in the college fees that you pay, the travelling expenses may also be reduced or in some cases the college may allow a student to travel in the college bus free of cost, another major benefit is that they will be allowed to get entry into various colleges without any problems because of less cut-offs.
The benefits described above are very few compared to the actual number of benefits provided to these reserved category students. Due to these reasons, a lot of general category students fail to qualify an entrance exam and get disqualified and for them the only option remains to go to a private college or try to study in the abroad colleges. However, in private colleges and abroad institutions, they take a huge amount of money so if the person is not capable enough then the student drops a year to study and try for the next year which hampers his or her career. The only solution to all this is to remove this reservation process and give equal opportunities to all the students so that every student will get entry to the college in his own merit.