Peer pressure means getting influenced by others act or lifestyle. We can also call it negative, when you tend to do something which you don't like to do at all; still you are being forced to do so. So peer pressure is not negative all the time. It's how you take the pressure. When you grow old, you become self decision maker but still peers around you influences you throughout the life. Peers means belongs to the same group or category, family, friends, relatives, sometimes neighbors. These kinds of groups are formed when many people shares the same interest, of same age, relationship or from the same society.
Here we will discuss about the peer pressure from both the aspects.
Peer pressure becomes Negative when:
"¢ You get attracted by someone's flashy image & try to follow the same. Or you don't like it still forced by the person to join the group with the same image.
"¢ Obsessed by the fake status & lifestyle, even though you don't like it, you adopt the same because it leads to success.
"¢ Friends involved in wrong practices like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs & forces the innocent one to get involve.
"¢ Threatened by someone to adopt the same culture.
"¢ Sometimes parents forcing kid to choose career option which he is not even interested in. That's also a negative peer pressure.
"¢ Relatives force to do certain things which are out of your own interest; still you have to do that.
"¢ Family pressure to get good marks, to be the topper.
"¢ Friends convincing you for wrong things saying that it's right.
Peer pressure becomes Positive when:
"¢ Getting inspired by positive things which convince you to be the same.
"¢ Following inspirational people.
"¢ Do the same as everyone is doing but be the best of all.
"¢ When you are out of track & confused, someone with the positive thoughts changes you to be better.
"¢ When you are into a group of friends who are good & will always force you to do good things only.
It's not necessary that you have to adopt others views & likings. You have your own point of view & decisions to be followed. You can avoid these influencing factors also:
"¢ Believe in you
"¢ Polite to everyone
"¢ Stick to your words
"¢ Avoid getting involved in bad habits
"¢ Respect everyone
"¢ Do not hurt anyone
"¢ Take the good things from others, avoid seeking for bad.
"¢ Have guts to say "NO" when somebody forces you to get involve in wrong acts.
"¢ Teach them the right thing if you find someone with bad habits.
All these activities will help you staying away from negative peer pressure. You'll find success & remain a good person.