Participation of Women in Indian Education System

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There was a time in India when a very few women used to get proper education. However, now times are changing and girls can get proper education in India. Education helps a Woman to understand their potential in social and economic arenas. Woman education plays a crucial role in a Country's development.

Before Independence:

Before 1947, the status of women participation in Indian Education System was very less. Girls are less likely to access school; they were only to do household works. They have become victim of various social customs at that time.

Later when British arrived in India, they have introduced English education first. They have established many schools. These schools were mostly attended by poor girls. By the end 19th century many women were graduating from these schools.

After Independence:

Some years later, a social reform originated which was spread among all sections of the society. The reform was helped a lot to upsurge the woman education in India. This reform period coincided with many other reforms like child marriage, Sati daha pratha etc.

At the Beginning of 20th century a new emphasis on woman education has started, it was not just to make women better housewives and mothers but to make them an asset in nation building.

Why it is necessary to educate a Woman?

  • Woman education is the single most powerful way for alleviating poverty.
  • An educated woman can make decisions easily for her family.
  • Basic Education provides a woman to understand basic health & hygiene, nutrition & family planning.

Female Literacy & Country's Development:

Higher woman literacy leads to reduction in family size, fertility rate & population size, greater participation in labour market, higher income which help in country's socio-economic development.

In many rural areas where it is not possible for Governments to give proper education to children, if they educate women of those rural areas this will in turn help those children to get proper education. This will help to increase literacy rate as well.

Contribution of Government in spreading female literacy:

Government has already taken many steps to spread woman literacy like Balika Samridhi Yojona, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mahila Samikhya Yojona, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme, and National Program for Education of girls at Elementary Level. These projects will help many women to become literate and help in country's development.

However Sexual Abuse & harassments, Lower socio economic conditions are becoming major drawback in spreading education among women.

Hence, Women have to be strong enough to maintain their socio economic status. They must come forward to fight for their rights. Then only, it will be possible for them to be involved more & more women Indian Education System.