More than fifty years have passed after independence and the condition of women has gone through many phases. However the proper development of the women is not possible if they are not properly educated. It is true that modern women are going hand in hand with men but in various remote rural areas of India the condition of women is still deplorable because they have not entered in the arena of education.
Necessity of women education:
Nowadays women are not only carrying out the household duties but, they have entered their steps in various fields like various kinds of jobs, business, politics, sports etc. Proper education will help them to do all these duties correctly. This is undoubtedly beneficial for the social and economical life in India. It is true that when you educate a man, a single person is educated. However, as a woman spent more time with the little members of the family she will be able to educate her son or brother in various rural areas. Women are the victim of superstation. If they get the light of education, they will be able to save themselves from the hand of the social demon.
Spread education through women:
It is true that there are various remote areas in India where it is difficult for the Government to establish schools in adequate numbers and spread education among the children. However, if they can educate the women of those rural areas they will be able to spread that education among their children. As a result of this more children will be given primary education at home and they will be interested to join schools for further study. There will be a lot of women who can join the illiteracy camps in the spare time to educate many other girls and children.
Consciousness of women right:
There is many a state where women are not aware of their social and political rights. Because of this, they are deceived by the society. They become the victim of various social customs in various families the women are exploited. However, they do not know what exactly they can do against the harassment they are facing in their life. Proper education will help them to know about their rights. Thus the women will be self dependent and they can handle any social issue most skillfully.
Woman education necessary for proper democracy:
At present the lion shares of Indian women give votes in different kinds of elections. So they take a very crucial part on deciding which people will run the country. Now it is needless to say that an educated woman will have a better understanding about whom to choose for controlling our country. It is very essential for the proper implementation of democracy in the country. Education system of India can only be improved if it is spread among both men and women.
Steps of Government for spreading education among women:
Government has already taken some important steps for spreading education among more and more women. Some of the projects like Sarwa Siksha Abhiyan, Balika Samridhi Yojana, Mahila Samridhi Yojana, Indira Mahila Yojana and many others are helping the women a lot. However, some of the problems like Malnutrition, undernourishment, lower socio economic status, sexual abuse and harassment are becoming hindrances against spreading education among women. However, still a lot of steps are taken by the government for improving the condition of women in India.
However, women themselves have to come forward more and more for getting education to improve their social condition. Then only, it will be possible to educate more and more women in most of the parts of India.