Nation's need 'Knowledge':
War: now and then-
The war was fought with swords and bows-arrows in old days, after some ages we developed ability to attack from distance of some kilometres. Now in 21st century we can attack from one continent to another, from one pole of earth to another. Technology has been developed surprisingly in past few centuries. Since the technical growth is enough to make everyone able to do the thing the other can do. So now days fight between countries is not fought with weapons but knowledge.
Every nation and country today is growing itself to get a respectable position in the world so that it may claim its greatness in means of knowledge. Technology is the new weapon. Technology is the new parameter to fight with. Although the mind-set of human is changed regarding life but nature is still the same. Winner is always respected, or may be everyone is afraid to lose. So the knowledge is worth-having weapon these days. Every new technology brought a disaster with it. Since we have a failed conscience to use it, we always betrayed our brain in means of giving peace. We could develop things to help mankind but the nature has its own balance of good and bad, and nothings if perfectly a boon.
Rise of superpowers(how knowledge helped):
America, Russia, China, Japan, India are the countries growing in the field of technology and knowledge precipitately. The race of weapons is turning into race of technical development. The country with a better technical outlook is the father in world. Everyone in this era is trying to become ‘The Father’.
This kind of behaviours of human with help of knowledge is a bit suspicious in way to hold the peace; the fight always brings bad even if it is fought with knowledge as a tool. But when you see the historic evolution of mankind this has always been through warfare. If we accept the truth and if we be honest with ourselves: we’ll know that we are growing in an age where people need to grab their rights with power, and todays this power is knowledge. Computers and gadgets have changed the world in a geek house and nobody is afraid to take action. Knowledge in such case proves to be a helpful weapon to fight against the wrong and non-worthy things. To save your culture and nation the best tool today is knowledge and we better go with the trend and do what we need to do. Among the super-power countries, India is still trying to find its place. The knowledge is always admired in this country and the truth is: we always lead when the knowledge has been the parameter to decide the leadership in history. Now is the time to lead again, we hope that knowledge will bring us a good future and respect worldwide.
These facts clear the scenario of current war-nature in the world and we can say that the nations’ need is knowledge.