Most Indian Urban Youth believe in Education, but Undone by Jobs

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The urban youth of today trusts higher education as the sole parameter to achieve success. Education is indeed important in today's world. However, there is a wide gap between the aspirations and the reality of the youth in India. Many educationally qualified people are not paid as much as they deserve and the concept of 'educated unemployed' is also prevalent in the country.

UN-Habitat and IRIS Knowledge Foundation in Mumbai recently released the State of Urban Youth India 2013 report based on their survey of youth in the age group of 15 to 32 years in three cities. The survey reveals that a majority of youngsters consider education as the key to success. When questioned about the lack of jobs they say that economic growth would bring up better job opportunities in the future. Quite evidently, the current scenario stands in sharp contrast to their belief. Youth employed in informal sectors have unsatisfactory incomes and low job security despite the fact that India has been progressing for more than a half a century. However, one cannot deny that the belief of youth is wrong in this matter. After all, education is a must for employment.

An unbiased and conspicuous conclusion is that education system needs to be refined. Education should focus on skill development more than memorised questions and answers. Unfortunately this is only a part of the unmitigated disaster. There have been many statutory regulation related to the field of education like the Right to Education Act. However, it is a sad realisation that the government still has a long way to go in this field. Most youth believe that there are insufficient primary education facilities. Moreover, good quality education through private schools is hardly affordable for the common man. Thus, we have to work both for the spread of education and for the improvement of its quality. This includes setting up of vocational training courses at both school and college level.

A shortage of job opportunities can be attributed to a slow economic growth and the prevalent corruption in the country. It is important that more and more people get trained and their skill gets rewarded. Positions should be based knowledge and not on personal contacts or bribery.  We need to make sure that our youth do not get dissuaded by the lack of jobs.

The vast human resource is a gift bestowed upon India. But unfortunately the plight of India is the improper human resource management. We need a good education system and better job opportunities in the country. More importantly, the jobs created should contribute to the Indian economy to further facilitate growth. The intellect of Indian brains is acknowledged worldwide. It is time that we use it for ourselves as well. More youth have to be persuaded and trained for white collar jobs. Government sponsored training programmes can be of great help here. Let us hope that our dream to see an educated and prosperous India would realize soon.