Improvement in teaching system is the main concern now- believes Dileep Ranjekar

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Dileep Ranjekar is the CO-CEO of the Azim Premji Foundation. He has been an integral part of the foundation since its establishment in 2001. Ranjekar’s working life started after he joined Wipro in 1976. He was known to be integrally involved with the private sector throughout its development. Ranjekar took the responsibility to make developments in the society in various fields. He started with his companions and made a commitment to make a democratic, secular and socialistic society. Indian culture is varied but uneven distribution of economic wealth has made the poorer section separated from the society of general people.

Ranjekar wanted to make reforms by which poorer section of the society would feel their rights in the country. He wanted women to enjoy equal rights like men and to remove all forms untouchability. The fact is indeed true that Indian government has failed miserably to clear discrimination from the country. Even 66 years passed India got independence; still the country could not progress. Ranjekar wanted to help the country to progress through various social, economical and cultural developments.

He believed that spread of education would certainly help India to curb out all the discrimination. Ranjekar believes that education and learning is the best form of non-violence means through which a social revolution can be brought. He has worked to set up schools in remote villages to educate children so that they do not become the victim of social misconceptions.

India is a democratic country. It is hard to bring about a change in the society suddenly because each and every citizen has the right to express their thoughts. Similarly, Ranjekar faced several obstacles while establishing the schools in the villages. Political obstacles and culture and social issues played the major role for obstructions. He also mentioned about the lack of good teaching faculties and inadequate financial supports were also the factors for which education could not be spread.

Ranjekar believed that Indian society is diverse. There are lots of complexities awaiting therefore a sudden step towards development is hard to make. He wanted to spread the charm of teaching among the bachelors, he wanted that the bachelors should get a B.Ed degree done and must concentrate to make a good educated society over the poor-quality society now.

He wanted to change the course of B.Ed degree into a course of two years after graduation. He wanted to increase the pay packages of the teaching staffs so that more and more teenagers can get attracted to it and make teaching their aim in life.

Ranjekar also wanted to arrange school leaderships. A principal has the highest influence on the development of a school or an institution. Again, the principal must have the best qualified among all the other faculties so that he would be able to deal with all issues related to academic, community, administrative as well as cultural issues. Ranjekar wanted developments for the society through improvement in education as well as other social changes.