How to prepare your kid for Kindergarten

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A whole new world awaits your child the day they set their feet inside the school! School shapes them as they grow up. Friends, teachers, classmates and seniors; all form an aura of excitement and adventure around your kid. These growing years are like a magic casket for your kid! They unearth secrets of life and do new discoveries about themselves and others. Kids are at their best when they are busy discovering something new! A school is the first big change for a small child. Preparing your kid for school makes them feel more confident about the changes that are going to follow. Kids are just like a blank paper, you can write some beautiful lines on this blank paper to make them outshine others by your guidance and parenting.

In preparing your kid for school it is essential to develop the feelings of compassion and good manners in them. From the first day of school they should be taught to be active, smart and well behaved. There is a fine line between being naughty and being a nuisance. Make sure you kid doesn't fall in the latter category!


Most of the children are extremely excited about the idea of going to school. They are aware of other kids in the neighbourhood or family who are students, it is natural that they too want a uniform, new shoes and a school bag! But there are some who are shy and introverts; such children take time to open up about things. Basically, it is most important to know what your child feels about the idea of going to school. Do not make him/her feel it as a burden. Encourage them to ask questions and make the idea of school appear exciting to them.

Teaching kids good habits and the manner of doing things on their own helps them better than anything. Such children win the hearts of all! They should be taught how to go to the washroom on their own, how to wash hands, unwrap their food and to throw waste in the dustbin. Putting them in a preschool before they are actually admitted to school helps a great deal!

The first day of school seems to be something completely out of the box for kids. They are completely alien to the idea of sitting in groups and learning together, something which will become their core of study in the future! For kids, parents should take care of some basic amenities like an extra pair of underpants and snacks. They should also be taught how to take care of their belongings, for your ease you can label their belongings.

At last it is most important to talk to kids about what is going on in school. The first week of school might turn up to be great for some while dull for others. Let them share everything with you. Let them make mistakes as much as they want, after all they are kids! Just remember to love them enough!