They aren’t trying to be funny when they say that English is a funny language. It is a funny language. Concepts in English can sometimes get as complicated as in Physics or Mathematics. It may be tough to wrap your head around some of them. Visualization of some of them may be tricky because it is, after all a language. Working on English assignments can be useful in getting a strong hold over some of those rules and thus using writing in English can become flawless. Sometimes writing faulty English sentences in some other assignments may prove costly.
The main aspect of English, which coincidentally is the same one which can give you nightmares, is grammar. Several topics, such as tenses, active and passive voices, direct and indirect speech, punctuation and types of sentences – simple, compound complex. These concepts must be clearly understood to make the assignment an easy task. The best place to start is, of course the time when it is being taught in class. There isn’t one single way to explain these concepts. One reading resource may not make these topics clear for you. You might have to rely on different reading literatures for it to be clearly understood. Different concepts have several limitations, exceptions and ways of being applied to the scenario. Some of the resources of English assignment help can explain these concepts more clearly than the rest of them. You must refer to many different books and websites to excel at these concepts in English.
Understanding sentence structure is very important. If you miss this point every other rule and concept will tumble down. Things like subject, predicate, adverbs and clauses are heavily dependent on one’s perception of the sentence structure in English. Discussion with your peer group can be very useful. Some rules and syntaxes in English can be naturally comprehended by some people. They don’t rely on theoretically listed rules and syntax to answer the questions in the English assignment. Discussion with them can help you understanding points which you might be missing out.
An easier way to stay in touch of all these concepts is to list them down separately along with some examples or exceptions. These can be then revisited whenever you want quickly. Once you know their application, you can never forget it. While talking in day-to-day conversations, you may even pin point, mentally, the sentences where in you might have applied the concepts learnt.
Reading a lot can be very useful too. It can help you in understanding different ways of approaching various types of sentences. This can be very useful in another set of questions which you might encounter frequently in English assignments, which are the ones where in you have to discuss a prose or poetry. These types of questions test your ability to understand different ways of representation in English language. You must be able to perceive what the writer wants to convey. These types of questions require developing a sense of appreciation toward the English literature. One may read discussions on online literature forums to gain a deeper insight of writer’s perception.